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International Workshop on Refugees’ Employment and Integration


Challenges of and opportunities for the employment of refugees in late industrialising countries



Welcome and setting the agenda


Professor Tony Edwards, Dr Merve Sancak & Dr Nicola Chelotti – Loughborough University London



Session 1: The impact of national institutions and regulations on the employment of refugees


Dr Camilla Devitt – Trinity College Dublin (online)

Metin Çorabatir – Research Center on Asylum and Immigration (IGAM)

"Legal Obstacles for Employment and Long the Dynamics of Syrian's entry into the labour markets in Turkey"

Omar Kadkoy – Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)

David Jepson – ACH: Refugee and Migrant Support Services UK

"Refugees and migrants and labour market progression, a perspective from practice"



Coffee & tea



Session 2: Business practices and refugees’ employment


Dr Selin Sivis – University of Bristol

Catriona Fraser – Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

"Syrian refugees in Turkish garment factories: Purchasing practices as a driver of abuse"

Rami Sharrack – Arabic Industry and Business Association (ASSIAD) (online)

Dr Michelle Richey – Loughborough University






Session 3: Education, training, and labour market integration programmes for refugees


Dr Almina Besic – Johannes Kepler University Linz (online)

Buket Bahar Dıvrak  –  Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM)

"Supporting Refugees’ Access to Labor Market and Social Cohesion in Türkiye"

Önder Yalçın – Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality (online)

Dr Vildan TaÅŸlı – Yalova University (online) & Dr Merve Sancak – Loughborough University London

"Vocational training - a solid pathway for refugees' inclusion in the labour market?”



Coffee & tea



Session 4: Dynamics beyond borders: International relations and multi-lateral governance of refugee integration


Dr Claudia Diaz – University of Toronto (online)

"Educational integration of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia: a multilevel governance approach"

Gizem Karslı – International Labour Organisation (ILO)

"Strategies for Labour Market Inclusion with a Focus on Employment Promotion"

Marie Martin – Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Council of Europe (online)

“The role of PACE in promoting access for refugees to their economic and social rights”

Juliana Lindell – Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission

"EU assistance to refugees in Türkiye in the priority area of socio-economic support"

Dr Gerasimos Tsourapas – University of Glasgow



Closing Keynote: What are the main factors preventing foreign workers from getting good jobs and how can they be addressed?

Professor Neli Demireva – University of Essex

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